HortPartners is a proposed research and education extension collaboration between New Zealand’s horticulture & plants industries

What is Extension?

Extension is a model of research and education outreach that places growers and producers at its centre. Extension responds to their needs rather than the other way around.

This model is common among land based universities in Europe and North America. It is an open and accessible way of bringing evidence-based science and modern technologies to growers and producers to meet their needs. Engagement is often face-to-face rather than purely publication based.

Extension Model Concept

The HortPartners are working to design and implement a university-based extension framework that is accessible to NZ growers and producers.

The goal is to build capability and capacity to enable knowledge transfer between scientists, educators, technical experts, growers and producers through field labs, workshops, seminars, webinars, and publications.

How to get involved:

Attend our scoping workshop: HortPartners is hosting a September 6th workshop at Lincoln University to scope out our extension and education framework. Get involved in the early stages of this exciting new framework.

Have your say: Fill in a survey on extension and education in the horticulture and plant production industries and make your needs known. The results from the survey will feed into the extension framework.

Join HortPartners: help us bring positive change to our horticulture and plants industries. Contact NZPPI CE Matthew Dolan on matthew@nzppi.co.nz for more information.

"Collaboration between horticultural researchers and producers is crucial for ensuring plant health. By working together to develop and implement best practices, we can ensure that our plants are healthy and productive. This not only benefits growers and consumers, but also the environment, by reducing the need for chemical inputs and promoting sustainable agricultural practices."

Dr. Mary Hausbeck, Professor of Plant Pathology at Michigan State University