About Us

HortPartners will help growers, educators and researchers to work together to improve plant and crop health in Aotearoa

HortPartners New Zealand is a research and education extension collaboration between New Zealand’s horticulture and plants industries.

As of July 2023, HortPartners brings together Lincoln University, Onions NZ, Potatoes NZ, Vegetables NZ and NZ Plant Producers (NZPPI). We came together in early 2023 to explore the development of an extension framework to meet the research and technical knowledge needs of crop growers and plant producers.

Lincoln University is working with the HortPartners to support growers and help design the extension framework. Within this partnership is a wealth of knowledge in horticulture extension.

The aim is to take engagement and events to growers throughout the country.

If you’re an industry grower group, think about joining us in these early stages so you can shape the extension programme. Contact NZPPI CE Matthew Dolan for more information on matthew@nzppi.co.nz.

Hortpartners New Zealand

Onions NZ logo

Onions New Zealand is the representative body for 85 growers and 18 exporters of onions in New Zealand. Its vision is to facilitate sustainable growth and profitability of onion growers and exporters.

Potatoes New Zealand Inc. (PNZ) is the industry association representing the interests of the New Zealand potato industry.

New Zealand Plant Producers is the industry body for plant nurseries and related businesses. Its 350 members produce seedlings and rootstock for food plants, native regeneration, urban greenlife, backyard plantings and forestry.

Vegetables New Zealand is Vegetables New Zealand Incorporated represents the interests of growers of all fresh vegetable crops (other than potatoes, onions, tomatoes, asparagus, and buttercup squash). It represents approximately 760 growers who produce more than 55 crops.

Lincoln University was formed in 1990 when Lincoln College, Canterbury was made independent of the University of Canterbury. Founded in 1878, it is the oldest agricultural teaching institution in the Southern Hemisphere.